Equip Your Property With a Reliable Power Source

Turn to us for commercial breaker box installation services in New York, NY

Does your business still run on a fuse box? While that may work for you now, it's not the most efficient or economical option. Equip your property with a reliable power source with help from JP & Son Electric. We provide commercial breaker box installation services in New York, NY. You can trust us to replace your old fuse box with sustainable circuit breakers.

Don't let a blown fuse put your business out of commission. Call 646-945-0624 today to schedule a commercial breaker box installation with us.

Fuses are a thing of the past

Fuse boxes are an outdated power source that should be upgraded ASAP. Unexpected power surges can cause you to blow a fuse, which could quickly spark an electrical fire. But with a circuit breaker, you just have to flip a switch to restore power to your business. Circuit breakers are designed to disrupt the power surge and protect your property from electrical fires.

Invest in a reliable power source. Get in touch with us today to discuss your commercial breaker box installation.